Health Fair

Centro Multicultural Events 91 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI, United States

Because we want to take care of you, we offer you a variety  of medical services that include:  Sexually Transmitted Infections Testing Vaccines for all ages Pneumonia HepA • Hep B Shingles TDAP HPV MMR Varicella Flu COVID-19

World Kidney Day

Centro Multicultural Events 91 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI, United States

Take charge of your kidney health! Join us for a urine kidney test to detect potential issues early on. Urinalysis Having a small amount of protein in your urine may indicate that your kidneys aren't filtering blood well enough Vaccines available COVID-19, influenza, human papilomavirus and more.

Muro de Cráneos, Tzompantli: La Fuerza de La Vida

Centro Multicultural Events 91 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI, United States

Es un gusto para Centro Multicultural y CasArt Foundation invitarlos a Muro de Cráneos, Tzompantli 2024 un magnífico evento, creado para dar a conocer el uso de cráneos en Mesoamérica como símbolo de fertilidad y continuidad de la vida. Acompáñanos a disfrutar una tarde llena de arte e historia viendo artistas pintar en vivo, ver…

Mobil Mammogram Unit

Consulate of Mexico in Detroit 1403 E 12 Mile Rd, Madison Heights, MI, United States

  We invite you to the Mobile Mammogram Unit! Requirements: - Age: 40 to 64 years old - Have more than 1 year of your last exam - Uninsured or under-insured (high out of pocket costs due to insurance deductibles) - Michigan residents After your registration, a staff from the Ventanilla de Salud will contact…

Health Fair

Centro Multicultural Events 91 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI, United States

Because we want to take care of you, we offer you a variety  of medical services that include:  Sexually Transmitted Infections Testing Vaccines for all ages Pneumonia HepA • Hep B Shingles TDAP HPV MMR Varicella Flu COVID-19

Centro is moving!

35 W Huron Street 35 W Huron Street, Pontiac, MI, United States

We are looking for dedicated and reliable volunteers to assist with our relocation to a new building in downtown Pontiac. This project will require significant physical activity and organizational skills since it  involves packing, loading and unloading boxes, dismounting furniture, assembling furniture and placing it in the designated areas.  Volunteers will help ensure that all…

Fiesta Tigres 2024

Comerica Park 2100 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI, United States

Centro Multicultural La Familia will be recognized as the “Non-Profit of the game” at the Fiesta Tigres event. As a fundraising effort, we are currently selling tickets to reach our $10,000…

Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Walk 2024

Centro Multicultural 91 N Saginaw St 91 N Saginaw St, Pontiac, MI, United States

ESP.  Gracias por tu interés en participar en nuestra Caminata de Concienciación sobre la Violencia Doméstica. ¡Juntos podemos parar la violencia! La caminata 2024, es un evento familiar, los infantes son…